Wednesday, May 28, 2014


We are inseminated!!!  
I was SUPER nervous waiting this morning for them to process the sample, then we waited what seemed like forever but was about 40 minutes and at that point we had decided they didn't find any sperm and were waiting on the doctor to tell us. Then they called us back and the embryologist said "come look at the microscope" and my heart fell to my knees.  Then she's like, There are good swimmers in there!  
They said they don't do an actual count but  '2.5 mil after wash" was written on the thing beside the microscope with our name on it, so I'm guessing that is their estimate which is WAY better than we ever had before.  So I'm hopeful. The doctor seemed very happy so I'm happy now too. 
I'm a little annoyed though because they don't schedule a beta, just said to do home pregnancy test.

What's next?  If an egg gets fertilized then it takes 5-7 days for it to implant in the uterus and start growing. Another 3-5 days after that HCG levels ( HCG is secreted by the growing embryo) should rise to a point a pregnancy test would showt positive.  On Saturday I start a progesterone supplement to help sustain an embryo.

Between now and then I mostly wait. I can test out my trigger.  The trigger is a shot of HCG given before IUI to help mature the eggs and ensure strong ovulation.     testing out the triggrt means taking pregnancy test now until it's negative so that I'll know the result on the one in 3 weeks is a true result and not leftover HCG from the trigger shot. 

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