Friday, February 14, 2014


I went to see my RE this morning for an ultrasound and he is very please with how I am coming along for being 4 days into my stims (today is day 5).  He said he saw at least 5 or 6 follicles mostly on my right side as my left ovary  likes to be sleepy and hide. He said he was very encouraged.

Last night I went out with friends and did my shots away from home the first time. I just put in ice pack in my Follistim case and put my Follistim vial and my Menopur that was ready in a syringe in it, then when it was time I just went in the bathroom at the restaurant and did the shots. Didn't try to do it in a stall since there is no where to set things down, I just did it at the counter. I figured if anyone walked in I would explain, but they didn't so it was no issue.

Tomorrow night I have a photography job so my nurse said it was okay to do my EV2 shot earlier in the evening than I usually do.

The nurse at the clinic had to call Walgreens to get me some more needles. Since I got some meds from other ladies who had been through IVF I didn't get enough meds in my shipment from Walgreens to begin with. I got those and should be good for the rest of the cycle unless I need more meds

Today is Valentine's day, we are going out to dinner tonight, yay!

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