I wanted to write a bit about my recovery from the Egg Retrieval. As you might have read a couple months ago from my cancellation I don't like not knowing what to expect. I did quite a bit of research and most women said they felt okay in 2-3 days unless they got Ovarian HyperStimulation Syndrome (OHSS). Since I was at low risk for that I didn't worry to much about that.
My egg retrieval was on a Saturday morning, and I'm going to call that day 0. On Wednesday before my retrieval I had 17 follicles, 14 of which were larger than 10mm. That is a pretty average number, and my E2 was around 1300 (high E2 makes OHSS more likely).
Day 0 (Saturday)- Returned home around 9:00 am and I went straight to bed and slept about 2.5 hours. Pain was moderate all day but I slept off and on. I stayed in bed all day/night. Bleeding was moderate, quite a few clots, about like a period flow.
Day 1 (Sunday)- Felt pretty good in the morning. Got up, made breakfast, read the paper. Up about 2 hours before pain started to escalate and went back to bed. Got up a couple more times but stayed in bed lying down or reclining most of the day with the heating pad on my abdomen. Bleeding was still present with some clots but less than previous day.
Day 2 (Monday)- Got up around 7, showered and dressed and worked in my office for a couple hours, went into work around 12:00p. Still bleeding some. Severe diarrhea in the AM, slight nausea. Pain was moderate, got severe with bowel movement.
Day 3 & 4 (Tuesday and Wednesday)- Worked full days both days, pain mild for the most part, moderate if I got jarred or had to bend at the waist. Bleeding stopped.
Day 5 (Thursday)- Pain was moderate, worse than the previous days and diarrhea was back
Day 6 (Friday)- Pain moderate to severe. Left work at 2:30 and came home and rested lying down until 5, went to a birthday party. By 9 pain was getting bad, got home around 10 took 3 advil and immediately went to bed and less than 5 minutes later I was writhing on the bed in pain. Dinner had given me gas and there was no room inside my abdomen for both my swollen ovaries and gas. The pain was so bad I thought I was going to pass out. After about 15 minutes I was finally able to pass some gas and started feeling better. Hubby brought me the heating pad and I was able to fall asleep after about an hour.
Day 7 (Saturday)- Full week since ER. Pain is mild to moderate today, tending towards more soreness than actual pain, potholes hurt and I feel bloated today.
I attribute Friday's pain to a few factors, the clinic recommends intercourse the night before a embryo transfer and since we first thought it would be Thursday and then Friday we did it two nights in a row, I think that caused irritation of my swollen ovaries. Second factor is that I wore too tight jeans to work on Friday and I think that irritated my abdomen all day. Thirdly was the gas.
So once again, I am in a place where what I expected was not what happened. So if you find this blog I hope some of this info can help you!
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