Last night about 45 minutes after I did the Follistim shots I started feeling unwell. I already had a headache but it intensified and I started going back and forth between hot and cold and feeling more fuzzy headed. I also had some cramping, I am sure that the Follistim could not work that fast so maybe that was in my head. I went to bed and had a hard time falling asleep. I feel better this morning but still not right. Headache is still present and I feel weak, it hard to describe, its like if you have low blood sugar and get the shakes without the shaking or if you've worked out really hard and your muscles just feel exhausted. I forgot to mention yesterday that I've been having small cramps in my legs, they had gone away for a few days but are back this morning.
So this morning I go to do my Ganirelex injection, I had split it yesterday so it should have just been shoot and go, but no, of course not. I went to get the air out of the needle and the plunger stuck and then gave way and I shot 1/3 of the shot across the room. So had to get out another pre-filled syringe of Ganirelex, take the needle off the one I just screwed up, inject the proper amount back in to it, put the needle back on. Then I had to get another empty syringe and put the dose into it (.25ml), then a third syringe to get the rest out of the pre-filled syringe because I don't know how much is left in it. Overall I'm about .1ml short on Ganirelex now. I have to email my nurse and find out what to do, hopefully its not going to matter, I'd really rather not buy another whole one because I screwed up.
Oh and I walked off and didn't take my dexamethasone this morning.
Update: The nurse called back and says we can wait until my ultrasound appointment on Monday to see if I need to order more Ganirelex or not. Also my Estrogen level last week was 5, which she said was good.
ugh that suck about the spilled meds. you know i have had a headache alllll week. i didnt even think to associate it to the meds. but i realize today with it being 2 days since i took the follistim, my headaches are done! i mean i had like all day headaches. must have been the follistim