No one told me what to expect after my cycle was canceled. My last Follistim and Menopur were on Tuesday, last Ganirelex on Wednesday. Wednesday I felt normal, Thursday I was starting to feel pain in my ovaries, more bloating, pressure.
Today (Friday) I'm fairly uncomfortable. I've gained 3 pounds of water weight since Wednesday, my ovaries are quite tender and my lower abdomen feels full and sore. I had a ruptured ovarian cyst back in April and it feels a lot like that, except not quite as painful. If I'm sitting still I'm pretty okay, the jarring of walking hurts, bending hurts and please do not touch my abdomen!
I called my RE office and talked to the nurse, she said to expect it to last at least a few more days, more like a week or two, basically until I ovulated on my own since I didn't get the HCG shot. She offered to call me in pain killers but I declined. She said it takes a few days for the medication to stop working then some more time after that for my own hormones to get back on the job.
It is frustrating to me that when they cancel your cycle they don't tell you what to expect. I was too overwhelmed when I was at the office on Wednesday to think about asking. I guess that I naively assumed that when I stopped the meds the symptoms would go away, that is not the case.
I've asked online and many people have advised me to drink lots of gatorade and up my protein intake. The protein thing gave me pause and I started doing some reading. Apparently protein can have a large impact on an IVF cycle. Lowering carbs to less than 40% of daily intake and upping protein to more than 25% can greatly increase your chances of success. I'm going to be starting this for next cycle.
My RE wants to wait until February to start a new cycle, he says he wants to wait for all the medications to have time to get out of my system before starting again. He has not yet decided on a new protocol, we are hoping to get the meds ordered before the end of the year though to get them on this year's taxes.
What the heck? I didn't know. :( Need anything? Poor thing.