Monday, December 2, 2013

Stimulation has begun!

Let the follicles grow!!!   I did my first Follistim shot a few minutes ago. I spent some time debating about the best time to do it since it needs to be right around the same time each evening. I settled on 9:30pm.

I read the instructions for the pen and primed it and dialed in my dose.  My dose was 600 units today and the pen only goes to 450 units in a dose so I did 2 doses of 300. I did one shot in each side because I've been going back and forth on sides for my daily shots, no real logic to this other than I prefer not to shoot myself in the same place twice! The shot is harder to do and takes longer because the plunger one the pen is not smooth, it turns in clicks so its a little awkward and you have to push a little harder.  The areas are burning and itching but not horribly.

I am starting to get some spots on my belly where some of the shots have bled, I'm guessing that will only get worse now that I'll be up to 3 shots a day at least.

So the vial was 600 units, everyone told me about overfill and I'd read about how to get the overfill out of the vials since this stuff is SO expensive. I don't know if you can see here but I used an insulin syringe to get the extra out of the vial and it was about .15ml, which if the conversion I can find is right is about 125 units!!!  That is close to $200 worth of medication!!!

Other than that, not much to report. Low grade headache for the past couple days that gets worse towards evening, still not discounting that it could be sinus/allergy related. Hubby is still sick but *knock wood* I haven't gotten it.  I've had a few dizzy spells today, a couple bad ones, again, not sure if its the meds or sinuses.
Oh, and my memory is still bad, I feel like I'm walking around in a daze most of the time, very unfocused. (I had to edit the post to add that because I forgot)

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